"Daryl" was created in March 2023. "Daryl" was a medium glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, he is subby and devoted to his master. He can’t help it: he loves when they make a mess out of him...
Louise Hapton has started making more home decor and kinky lifestyle art. The process takes hours, sometimes days. The creative process involves sourcing glass pots or vases (either in wholesale shops or charity shops), then sculpting over them with either Milliput clay or Polymer clay, letting it dry or firing it (depending on the clay), spray painting the base then painting the sculpted parts, varnishing and voilà!
DO NOT PUT IT IN THE DISHWASHER OR SCRAP IT WITH A SPONGE These unique pots are usable every day but must be treated carefully.
Size: approximately 18 cm high Shipping from the UK
Introducing a new range of butt plugs! METALIC MARBLE PLUG is handmade using transparent infused with metalic blue, gold and green. Every PUBLICPARTS toy is hand crafted from an original design and hand...
KINKY MINI RAVE VASE "TIMZY""Timzy" was created in May 2023. He used to be a small glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, he is...
KINKY MINI RAVE VASE "JOEY" "Joey" was created in May 2023. He used to be a small glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted,...
"Eve and Eva" were created in April 2023. "Eve and Eva" used to be a U-shaped glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and painted with acrylic and...
"Viper" was created in March 2023, and she is one of the most unique vases of the series.Viper used to be a long glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with...