This handbag is crafted from upcycled leather that has been carefully cleaned, repainted, and waxed to give it a new life.
The bag is entirely handmade using traditional stitching techniques, ensuring exceptional durability. Unlike machine-made bags, this one is built to last.
The production time of one bag takes 3 days (more or less 10 hours a day).
Designed to stay "forever young," this bag, with proper care, will remain a timeless accessory for years to come. It's truly an investment in quality and longevity.
The metal accents feature genuine screws, adding a touch of industrial elegance. To keep them shining, simply clean them with a metal cleaner like Brasso, which is available on Amazon.
A detailed "Care Guide" will be included with your purchase to help you maintain your bag's pristine condition.
-Lenght: ~ 23-24,5 cm
-Width: 3,5 cm
-Height: ~13-15 cm
It is designed for special occasions when all you need to carry are your essentials: your phone, wallet, cigarettes, and lipstick.