"Sweet Daphne" was created in January 2023. She used to be a medium glass vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, she is cute and sweet. But what does all this pink hide? A huge thirst to...
Unique hand-painted vintage leather bag by Louise Hapton. The T*ts are out! Created by a bra-less artist. The back is unpainted (all black).Since 2021, Louise Hapton has been recycling used clothes...
"SAPPHIC NEEDS" hand-painted black high-quality leather skirt (Size M) by Louise Hapton.Unique, chic and kinky upcycled jacket by Louise Hapton. SIZE M.The "Wearable Artwork" series enables you to become one of the...
"Zebraya" was created in January 2023, she is the second animalistic figure of the series. Zebraya used to be a medium glass bowl upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, she is free and dreamy. She's been daydreaming of...
"Tight corset" was created in January 2023. It used to be a medium glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, it is chic and elegant:...
"Roselia" was created in January 2023 and she used to be a medium glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, she is an hopeless romantic and...
"Panthera" was created in January 2023, she is the first animalistic figure of the series. Panthera used to be a big glass fish bowl upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput...
"Eve and Eva" were created in April 2023. "Eve and Eva" used to be a U-shaped glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and painted with acrylic and...
"Reine Bow." was created in March 2023. "Reine Bow" was a long glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, they are proud and queer asf, and if...
"Viper" was created in March 2023, and she is one of the most unique vases of the series.Viper used to be a long glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with...
"Jennifer" was created in February 2023, and is by far one of the most affordable vases of the series. They used to be a small glass flower vase upcycled into a...
"Lucy Fair" was created in March 2023. "Lucy Fair" was a big glass flower vase upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, she is demonic and...
"Lime" was created in December 2022, he is by far one of the most affordable vases of the series. Lime used to be a small glass bottle upcycled into a kinky beauty. Sculpted with Milliput clay and hand-painted, he is electric and...
"I love when you rule me" is a unique original artwork on glass flower vase.Louise Hapton has started making more home decor and kinky lifestyle art. The process takes hours, sometimes...
"Wck to STRANGERS?" is a hand-painted, high-quality, white leather jacket by Louise Hapton.Unique, chic and kinky upcycled jacket by Louise Hapton. Size S/M (it's a small Medium and a large Small, kind...
"Why fight the sexual tension?" hand-painted jacket by Louise Hapton.Perfect gift for yourself or your crush ;)Unisex jacket. Unique, chic and avant-garde upcycled jacket/blazer by Louise Hapton. Size M. The...